Start Earning $147,463.56 - $209,071.23 In Your First Year
We are HIRING Licensed Mortgage Loan Officers Full Time
In-House at our New Jersey Headquarters Office.
Be part of the team of an innovative Direct Private Money and NON-QM Mortgage Lender!
Direct Daily Organic Inbound Leads.
Hands-on Training & Team Oriented Management.
Say "YES!" More! - Competitive Rates & The Largest Library of Nationwide Mortgage Programs.
Close your first loan in 4-8 weeks.
Potential earnings: $147,463.56 - $209,071.23 in your first year.
All Full-Time Loan Officers Positions Include:​​
High Commissions & Competitive Compensation Package.
Fun Atmosphere & Community Environment.
New Loan Officers start closing loans in 4-8 weeks.
Excellent Benefits.
Apply now and we'll reach out with more details. Or send your resume to Careers@strattonequities.com

Stratton Equities is the Leading Nationwide Direct Private Money & NON-QM Mortgage Lender that specializes in fast and flexible lending processes. Our organization is owned and operated by highly experienced leading Industry professionals, leveraging expertise and experience to empower clients to succeed in their investment ventures.